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© pecus 2001
Berlino, Ampellmann
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Monday September 15, 2003

Float Bug


This page tests Gecko's floating bug, introduced with builds following the release of Mozilla 1.3 which did not display it. Applying a clear: right to the DIV holding the link list at right, in order to position it under the image at right, overriding rule #2 of the float specifications with rule #10 as specified under the clear specs, pushes the floating image in this paragraph down to the line at which the link DIV anchors itself, thereby disattending rule #8 which mandates that a floating element should be positioned as high as possible while respecting preceding rules.
This paragraph is repeated several times to make sure it goes past the height of the image at right.

This page tests Gecko's floating bug, introduced with builds following the release of Mozilla 1.3 which did not display it. Applying a clear: right to the DIV holding the link list at right, in order to position it under the image at right, overriding rule #2 of the float specifications with rule #10 as specified under the clear specs, pushes the floating image in this paragraph down to the line at which the link DIV anchors itself, thereby disattending rule #8 which mandates that a floating element should be positioned as high as possible while respecting preceding rules.
This paragraph is repeated several times to make sure it goes past the height of the image at right.

scritto da pecus alle 11:14

Turn DIV borders on.

Set the links DIV to display: none to se how the floating Arnold moves upward.

Last update: 09/15/2003